Installing Lighting Systems in Palm Beach County, Florida: What You Need to Know

When it comes to installing lighting systems in Palm Beach County, Florida, there are certain considerations that must be taken into account. The provisions of the Florida Building Code, Plumbing, must be followed for the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems. Additionally, the Palm Beach County Natural Areas Fund must be contributed to for any restoration that is carried out through the on-site planting of native trees or equivalent native vegetation. Native greywood palm trees that are equal to or greater than eight feet must be replaced with native palm trees of the same size.

Any new luminaire will require an approved lighting plan for sea turtles (STLP), which must comply with the provisions of art. All windows and doors that are within the line of sight of the beach must be installed with tinted glass or any window film applied to window glass that meets the criteria defined for tinted glass. From May 1st to October 3rd, external light sources that are directly or indirectly visible from the beach must be disconnected or otherwise modified to comply with this chapter. Beach obstructions must be removed from the beach or placed in a single row as close as possible to the tip of the dune, in an area that does not affect native vegetation or significantly affect sea turtles.

When a request contains sufficient information to make an appropriate decision, ERM will notify the County Prosecutor's Office and promptly transmit it for evaluation. Shorter wavelength lights will only be approved in areas where direct or indirect lighting is not visible from the beach. To prevent interior lights from illuminating the beach, all windows visible from the beach must be treated within jurisdictional limits. Restoration can be achieved through a contribution to the Palm Beach County Natural Areas Fund equivalent to nine trees for every 1,500 square feet of native vegetation removed, or by dedicating an area of land equivalent to the quality of the highlands.

The pool deck lights and underwater pool lights must be turned off while the pool is closed at dusk during the sea turtle nesting season. The lights that illuminate beach access points, dune crossings, beach walkways, docks or any other structure designed for pedestrian traffic must be at the minimum level necessary to maintain safety and be located and protected so that they are not directly or indirectly visible from the beach. In common areas of a multifamily residential property, window treatments will also be required that are sufficient to prevent direct or indirect lighting visible from the beach on all windows visible from the beach within jurisdictional limits.